Listing and debugging predicates.

Display predicate P. P may be a predicate name, a structure of the form Name/Arity, or a bracked list of the above.

Turn on tracing.

Turn off tracing.

spy P
Turn on tracing when predicate P is called. P may be a predicate name, a structure of the form Name/Arity, or a non-bracked list of the above.

nospy P
Turn off spying for P.

Turn off all spypoints.

Enable spypoints (allow them to initiate tracing.).

Disable spypoints (without removing them).

Control over tracing is very system-dependent, but is probably like this:
Single-step to next line of trace.

Provide help on tracing commands.

(On a CALL) Skip over this call.

Leap without tracing to the next spypoint.

Turn off tracing.

Set a spypoint here.

Remove the spypoint here.

Trace terminology: CALL is the initial entry to a predicate; EXIT is a successful return; REDO is when it is backed into for another answer; FAIL is when it finds no more solutions. A sequence of calls may be viewed as forming a chain.

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Copyright © 1995 by David Matuszek
All rights reserved.
Last updated July 15, 1995